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Donating blood and platelets at Hoxworth is easier than ever! 

The NEW Hoxworth Blood Center Donor app puts the mission of Saving Lives Close to Home at your fingertips. Find the closest Neighborhood Donor Center, search for community blood drives, schedule and manage appointments, complete your QuickPass, easily access your blood type, track and redeem Premier Donor Club rewards, view your health screening history, and more.

Get started by downloading the app:

Log in to your Donor Portal Account:

Donors are able to access the new Hoxworth Blood Donor app by logging in with their existing Donor Portal account credentials. Those who have not created a Donor Portal account can create one on the app or online

Need help? Call Hoxworth at 513-451-0910 to speak to a representative.

Blood Donor App Features:

Donate Now

Schedule and manage blood donation appointments. Find community blood drives and Hoxworth Neighborhood Donor Centers by map, zip code, county, city, sponsor name, and group codes.

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Easy access to complete your same-day as appointment health screening registration questionnaire and begin the blood donation process from the comfort of your home or office, saving you time at the blood drive or Neighborhood Donor Centers.

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Wellness Center

View your blood type, health screening history and mini physical results after each donation.

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Easily Access Your Blood Type

Easily access your blood type and donor ID on the home screen within the Hoxworth Blood Donor App.


Download the Hoxworth App on the Apple or Google Play store today!