
Donating Whole Blood

Whole blood donations are versatile, allowing us to separate and utilize red blood cells, plasma, and platelets to treat different medical conditions. Your single donation can save up to three lives, making it a powerful and impactful contribution to our community. With whole blood donations, you have the opportunity to donate every 56 days (8 weeks), providing a consistent and reliable blood supply for those who need it most.

young woman as blood donor at donation with a bouncy ball holding in hand

Who Can Donate Whole Blood?

Whole blood donation is generally open to individuals who meet certain eligibility criteria. Donors are typically required to be at least 16 or 17 years old, weigh a minimum of around 110 pounds, and be in good health on the day of donation. Adequate hemoglobin levels, travel history, and risk factors, as well as certain medications or medical conditions, may affect eligibility. Pregnant individuals are often deferred, and there may be a waiting period after childbirth before donation is allowed. Eligibility criteria can vary, so potential donors are advised to check with their local blood donation center for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

What is Whole Blood used for?

After donation, whole blood can be separated into its individual components—red blood cells, plasma, and platelets. Each component has specific uses in medical treatments, making whole blood donations crucial for various situations:

  • Red Blood Cells (RBCs): Used to treat patients with anemia, undergoing surgery, experiencing trauma, or dealing with medical conditions that affect red blood cell production.
  • Plasma: Rich in clotting factors and antibodies, plasma is used to treat patients with clotting disorders, liver diseases, or those who have undergone massive blood loss.
  • Platelets: Essential for blood clotting, platelets are often used in the treatment of cancer patients, individuals undergoing chemotherapy, and those with certain blood disorders.

Whole blood donations are particularly beneficial in emergency situations when a quick and diverse supply of blood components is needed to address various medical needs.