St. Elizabeth Healthcare
St. Elizabeth Blood Drives
December 27 - St. Elizabeth Healthcare - Edgewood
Blood Drive held in Conference Room L&M - One Medical Village Dr., Edgewood, KY 41017
All donors receive a Hoxworth Winter Puffy Jacket & a Holiday Bonus eGift card! ($10 - Whole Blood; $20 - Platelets; $20 - Red Cell)
January 2 - St. Elizabeth Healthcare - Dearborn
Blood Drive held in 2nd floor Conference Rooms - 600 Wilson Creek Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Every donor receives a pair of Hoxworth joggers!
January 9 - St. Elizabeth Healthcare - Florence
Donor bus in parking lot - 4900 Houston Rd., Florence, KY 41042
Every donor receives a pair of Hoxworth joggers!
Please Note: Each blood drive will break for lunch at various times. Please see blood drive sign up page for all available time slots. Appointments are always encouraged.