
Storm Bratchett Blood Drive

I give to keep the STORM going name badge

March 6 - Christ's Community Church
Fellowship Hall - 2433 25th Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662
All donors will receive a Hoxworth shirt!

March 7 - Christ's Community Church
Fellowship Hall - 2433 25th Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662
All donors will receive a Hoxworth shirt!

Click the link to read more about Storm's story:  https://hoxworth.org/donors/why-donate-blood/recipient-stories/bratchett.html

Schedule Donation

To schedule an appointment, click the links above or visit hoxworth.org/groups/storm or call (513) 451-0910.

Christ's Community Church logo

The drive is held during the first week of March at Christ's Community Church in Portsmouth.

"We need to try and remember all the reasons giving blood is important," Lynn said. "There are unforeseen accidents, just like my son's. There have to be pints of blood on hand in the hospitals for a patient to even have a chance to live. It's a quick needle stick and only 30 to 40 minutes of your time."

Lynn Bratchett Mother

Picture of people at Storm Bratchett Blood Drive
Picture of baby at Storm Bratchett Blood Drive